How to report a problem to Facebook: all the ways

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Facebook is one of the most popular social networks in the world, with more than two billion registered users. Many of us have already experienced the frequent server crashes caused by the social network. In addition, some of its features or content may be inappropriate at times. It's not uncommon for users to wonder how to report a problem on their platform to Facebook.

Here you have some options. If you need help, we'll tell you how to contact social network. There are several ways to report a problem to Facebook, depending on the issue at hand. You must identify the type of problem you have and then choose the appropriate option. It's always easy to contact the social network and let them know there's a problem.

Report a problem or bug to Facebook

Report problem on Facebook

It is normal for Facebook problems are resolved quickly, but sometimes things don't work as they should, so we try to notify the website. We may notify the social network at any time if there is a problem with your website, for them to examine whether this is the case and provide a solution if the problem persists. Please report issues on the desktop version of Facebook by following these steps:

  1. Open Facebook in your web browser.
  2. Access your account with your credentials.
  3. Now click on the upper right corner, on the inverted triangle icon.
  4. The next thing is to click on the Help and assistance option in the menu.
  5. Then click on the Report a problem option.
  6. You will see a floating box appear. There click on An error has occurred.
  7. Then click on How we can improve and select the problem and describe the Details. You can also add screenshots showing the bug, videos, etc.
  8. Now you need to click Send. The target company will receive the report and give you an answer.

Normally, the social network notifies us that it has received the request or report that we have sent, but it does not usually send a concrete response if the failure has been resolved. Therefore, there is no need to wait for a specific answer, but the social network will determine if there is a problem and offer a solution if necessary.

Report abusive behavior

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There are many problems with the platform, and one of them is inappropriate or abusive behavior. Many users don't know how to contact Facebook because they are concerned about user behavior on the platform. Facebook also has very strict rules when it comes to content, so we know what we can and can't post. The following content categories are not allowed:

  • Invitation to violence.
  • Organization of harmful acts.
  • Frauds and scams.
  • Suicides or self-harm (inciting to commit suicide).
  • Sexual exploitation, abuse or nudity of minors.
  • Sexual exploitation of adults.
  • Bullying and harassment.
  • White slave traffic.
  • Privacy violations and image privacy rights.
  • Language that incites hatred (against certain religious groups, due to sexual orientation, ideals ...).
  • Graphic and violent content.
  • Nudity and adult sexual activity.
  • Sex services.
  • Spam
  • Terrorism.
  • Fake news.
  • Manipulated multimedia content (Deepfakes or any other content such as photos that have been manipulated to send a false message).

While browsing Facebook, you may come across one of these posts at some point. I think most of you have seen one of them at some point. In order to take action, you must inform Facebook of the problem with these publications and report them so that they can be removed.

Report these contents

It is typical that we see this type of content in a publication of the social network, be it a photo or a video that someone has uploaded or that we see that one of our contacts has commented or liked it and appears in our feed when we connect. To report this type of content, we must follow the following steps:

  1. Go to the original post that you believe violates the platform rules.
  2. Click on the 3 vertical dots to the right of the post.
  3. In the pop-up menu, click on Get help or report publication.
  4. Now it will show you a list of options to choose from:
    1. Nudes
    2. Violence
    3. Bullying
    4. Suicide or self harm
    5. False information
    6. Spam
    7. Unauthorized sales
    8. Hate speech
    9. Terrorism
    10. Another problem.
  5. Select the reason that best fits the publication.
  6. Finally, send the complaint.

Facebook will review the content you've reported and determine if it violates our website rules. Normally, we are notified if the problem has been fixed, but we don't always know if it has been removed. We can check the existence of the publication directly, for example by searching for it again, and if it does not appear, the social network has determined that it violates its policies and has removed it. This may take a day or two in some situations.

Fake or stolen accounts

Stolen facebook account

Many people want to know how to report on Facebook the problem of seeing a fake or stolen account. This can refer to your own account if, for example, it was hacked, or if there is an impersonation account or an account that has been stolen and is no longer accessible. In all these situations we can inform social networks.

If this account is fake or impersonating someone else, we can report it by following the steps here. We know if it is stolen or impersonates another person, for example. These are the steps we follow to report an account on facebook:

  1. Open Facebook.
  2. Then find the profile you want to report.
  3. Just below the profile photo you can see an icon with three points that you must press.
  4. Click on the option Search for help or report profile.
  5. It will ask you to provide information for the reason you reported the profile.
  6. When you're done, click Submit.

We just have to wait while the social network evaluates this complaint. Normally, a few days later we will be notified that this complaint has been processed and that action has been taken. For privacy reasons, they may not reveal what decision they've made, but if the profile has been deleted, for example, we already know what action they've taken. In these circumstances, you must provide information to help remove that account from the platform.

Content about minors or a person sick, hospitalized, or incapacitated

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Facebook seriously considers content that affects sick, disabled people or children. We may have seen a post that is grossly inappropriate and compromises the privacy of one of these groups. In these cases, we may report the post to Facebook. They tend to respond harshly and quickly in these situations, so you should get a quick response.

La privacy of sick or disabled people can be violated by any content published on social networks. We must use this link to report such violations if we find them. This is how we write a complaint. It doesn't take long, and social media tends to act quickly in these cases, so they may have already taken action by the time you finish reading this.

If it is a minor and under 14 years of age, we can report it from this website. In addition to quickly deleting the post, Facebook often takes action against the account that posted it.

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