How to generate unique and personalized emojis on WhatsApp

  • Learn how to create emojis with native and external tools.
  • Learn how to use apps like Bitmoji or Gboard to combine emojis.
  • Explore the use of artificial intelligence to generate unique emojis.
  • Learn the steps to use your custom designs on WhatsApp.

How to generate new emojis in WhatsApp

The emojis on WhatsApp They are an essential part of our daily communication. They allow us to express emotions, ideas and thoughts in a fast and fun way, complementing our words. Although this messaging app has a huge library of emojis, there is always someone looking for something unique and more personalized. But did you know that you can generate your own emojis or even have access to the most recent ones before other users?

In this article, we explain all available methods and tools to generate new emojis, customize them to your style or even use them as stickers. From options integrated directly into WhatsApp to external applications and advanced features such as the use of Artificial IntelligenceLet's learn more about this topic and how you can have fun creating emojis.

Understanding emoji creation in WhatsApp

Many of the emojis we see on WhatsApp are regulated by the Unicode standard. This standard ensures that emojis are recognized and convey the same message regardless of the device or platform. However, this limits users in terms of generating emojis from scratch, as only Unicode-approved emojis can be integrated universally.

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However, WhatsApp allows you to use tools such as custom stickers based on emojis or avatars, which, while not exactly standard emojis, serve the same function. Plus, the platform is continually adding new emojis; being in the beta program allows you to access them before anyone else.

How to add more emojis to WhatsApp

If you want to have access to the latest official WhatsApp emojis, you can choose to update the app regularly or join the beta programThis program offers users a trial version where developers release new features, including new emojis, before making them public.

To sign up for the beta:

  • Go to the Google Play Store and search for 'WhatsApp'.
  • Scroll down until you see the option to join as a 'beta tester'.
  • Sign up and upgrade to the beta version.

Please note that as this is a trial version, it may contain minor bugs.

Create new emojis for WhatsApp

Keyboards like Gboard

Google's keyboard, Gboard, includes a fascinating feature called emoji kitchen. This tool allows you to combine existing emojis to create new and unique designs. For example, you can fuse a smiling face with sunglasses for a fun combination.

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To use Emoji Kitchen:

  • Open any WhatsApp chat and select the text field.
  • Switch to Gboard keyboard and select an emoji.
  • The keyboard will display possible combinations at the top. Tap the one you want and send it as a sticker.

zFont and other external apps

If you use an Android device, apps like zFont They allow you to modify the system font and add custom emoji sets. Although it is not an integrated solution in WhatsApp, it is ideal for having unique emojis on your device.

Creating your own emojis from scratch

For those interested in a more creative approach, here are the best tools and methods for generating emojis from scratch:


Bitmoji is a well-known app that allows you to generate emojis based on your physical appearance. You just need to create a custom avatar by tilting your own characteristics, such as skin tone, hair style and much more. These emojis can be easily integrated into WhatsApp as custom stickers.

Native features on iPhone and Android

iOS users can take advantage of the features of MemojiThese animated and personalized emojis reflect facial expressions in real time and are completely editable. Meanwhile, on Android, WhatsApp already includes the option to create avatars from the app itself, which can be turned into stickers.

Customize emojis on WhatsApp

Advanced tools for unique emojis

For those looking for more advanced options, the use of Artificial Intelligence is starting to make a name for itself in creating custom emojis. Tools like AI Emoji allow you to describe what you want your emoji to look like, and the system creates it for you. This method is perfect for getting emojis that are completely unique and tailored to your needs.

Image Editor

Apps like Wemoji also let you turn images into stickers. For example, you can take a photo of your face, use a editor to add effects and details, and then import it to WhatsApp as a sticker pack.

How to use your custom emojis

Once you've created your custom emojis or stickers, use them to bring your conversations to life. Here's how:

  • Open any chat on WhatsApp.
  • Select the stickers option on the keyboard.
  • Add the newly created pack and select the sticker you want to use.
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This is a great way to stand out among your circles of friends and add a unique touch to your chats.

Using custom emojis on WhatsApp

The ability to create and customize emojis in WhatsApp has opened up a whole new world of creativity. Whether using external apps, native features, or programming tools like AI, the options are virtually limitless. From unique combinations to emojis featuring your own face, any design is possible with the right resources.

Share this information so that other users know how to do it and have fun just like you creating new emojis from WhatsApp..

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