How to create a Facebook account from your mobile

How to create a Facebook account from your mobile

If still You don't have a Facebook account and you only have a mobile phone, don't worry, here we will tell you how to register on this social network using the application. The steps are quite simple, but it is important to follow our instructions. It is never too late to join this platform and we are going to explain how to do it from your smartphone.

Steps to open a Facebook account from your mobile

Steps to create your Facebook account on your cell phone

Facebook is a social network that was launched in 2004 and currently has more than 3.000 billion users worldwide. You may not yet be part of this platform and think that because you don't have a computer you can't register on it.

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The reality is that you don't need to have a PC to do it, You can create a Facebook account from your mobile phoneThe steps are very simple and here we explain everything you have to do:

  • The first is download the facebook app on mobile and you can do it from this shortcut:
Developer: Meta Platforms Inc.
Price: Free
  • Once you have installed Facebook on your mobile, when you open it you will see a login screen. Since you do not have a registered account, go to «Get Started«.
  • You will be taken to a registration form to enter personal data including:
    • Name and surname.
    • Birthdate.
    • Gender.
    • Cellphone number.
    • email.
  • Now you move on to create a security password, which will be associated with your username. In this case, the username will be your email or mobile number.
  • Save the data you have registered and now go to a screen to read and accept all the social network's usage policies. These may vary slightly depending on the region where you are located.
  • It goes through a user validation process and this is done with the phone number you provided. There You will receive a message via WhatsApp or SMS confirming the information and to do so you must use the 5-digit number that you will receive.
  • You must copy this code into the corresponding screen.
  • To finish, place a profile picture and you will have already configured your Facebook account from your mobile.
Screenshots on Facebook.
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With these instructions you can start using Facebook on your mobile or from the web version of the social network. You just have to log in with your new credentials and the system, after validating the information, will give you access to the account. Share this guide so other users know how to do it.

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